Human Bingo is an app-based game to break the ice and accelerate networking and relationship building in your team. It begins with a warm-up exercise to get participants into teams. From there individuals are tasked with gathering as many business and personal commonalities with the other players as they can to win points for their team.
At set periods they return to their teams to tally their scores and receive details of the next goal. Individuals set about again to make connections by working the room until the final whistle.
Whatsapp: +506 8473 8190
Telephone: +506 4032 9191
Toll-free from US & Canada: 866 739 3913
Address: San José, Costa Rica
Whatsapp: +506 8473 8190
Telephones: +506 4032 9191
Toll-free from US & Canada: 866 739 3913
Address: Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá
Monday through Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.